7 Study Tips to Ace Final Exams

1) Create a Study Schedule. Stay organized: make a specific list of material you have to review and write down exactly the day time you will tackle these topics.

2) Give yourself a treat! Eat an orange, apple, or small piece of chocolate every time to accomplish a study task on your list.

3) Employ all five senses when you study: stand up and move around the table while speaking your French vocabulary; smell peppermints to keep you alert; write notes in different colors: engage as many senses as you possible can and the information you must learn has a better chance of sticking in your brain than if you were to just sit and read for hours on end.

4) Laugh. Release tension and study with a friend that can help bring out the silliness in your studying and laugh once and a while. Try taking breaks, if you have time, and watch your favorite funny movie or YouTube video.

5) Talk through difficult terms and concepts with a friend. If you can verbalize the material you need to know, such information will be better cemented in your brain that if you just quietly read to yourself.

6) Drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated helps your entire body feel more refreshed and healthy. Fill up your favorite Nalgene bottle with cold water and drink consistently throughout your study sessions.

7) Ask for help. Call a classmate, text a friend taking the same course and ask questions. You do not have time right before finals to sit for hours and try to figure out a challenging concept. Try emailing your teacher with specific questions.

Good luck and try to stay positive! Read all directions on your exams and stay mindful of the time remaining once you begin the exam. One step at a time and the difficult crunch period will be over soon!

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