Help Your Child Spin Difficult Text Into Success
Now what?!? Smart solutions for your child’s reading disasters.
Whether your child reads with ease or struggles to make sense of a book, the fact of the matter is, she has fallen behind with her challenging novel for English class. How do you help without overstepping your hard earned boundaries?
Read these tried and true strategies I developed after 15 years of teaching high school English – please note, these reach a wide range of student reading abilities and we would be happy to provide you more specific guidance based on your child’s reading needs.
5 Quick Tips to Boost Reading Comprehension
- Read each chapter twice. Zip through the first time for big picture, main idea; slow down the second time and get ready to annotate for detail.
- Highlight an important quote in the text, then summarize why it’s important on the top.
- Write a summary at the top of the page: jot down key plot events.
- Write the definition of tricky vocabulary words right above the word.
- Mark “?” for questions or sentences you do not comprehend – yes, literally jot this down in book and ask your teacher the next day or take the time to discover the meaning later.